About Us
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The Details
saasall is a privately owned business servicing Australian based organisations. Our experience in ERP and Cloud ERP Applications spans 20 years partner with SAP, Sage and NetSuite.
But things have changed considerably in in the last 10 years. Once upon a time there were only a few options for a business when it came to choosing a new ERP application, all of which were on-premise. Today, these traditional ERP vendors have struggled to move to the cloud, to the future.
saasall was born as a result of a need to start again. The future of on-premise ERP applications resides with large multi-nationals for which the pain of a re-implementation would be excruciating. Almost all other businesses are considering cloud applications – the benefits are too numerous to ignore.
In the end it was a decision between the old world and the new. Either stay with the old and continue to fall further behind or reinvent and begin anew. It was an easy decision to make.
As was the decision to partner with the leading Cloud ERP providers. The Directors evaluated almost ten different vendors. Only SAP, NetSuite and Sage have the pedigree and company-wide commitment to cloud. Not to mention being the top 3 cloud business applications vendors globally.
We are saasall. We are all about SaaS and we are entirely focused on helping our customers transform their businesses.